Public Administration

State and local authorities that provide public services. 


We work with Digital Transition Managers within the public sector to help with the digital transition process by supervising the development of digital public services and the adoption of new technologies to engage with citizens like never before.
We focus on implementing new infrastructures and strategies to make it easier for citizens, schools and public administration bodies to access, manage and protect information.
Lantech Longwave lavora per la pubblica impresa

The Digital Transition of the Public Administration sector began in 2005 following Italian Decree Law 72/2005, i.e. the so-called Digital Administration Code (CAD), which sets out all the measures that need to be taken to achieve such a goal.




We aims to help public administration bodies steamline their operations by developing simple, secure, and effective processes.

Out of the box

Longwave’s projects for Public Administration are designed to meet the needs of any company and provide innovative, out-of-the-box solutions.

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