Longwave’s industrial networking systems are designed to be reliable, scalable and resilient, using Wired and Wireless Networking solutions in the OT environment according to our customers’ specific business needs. This technology makes it possible to collect production data in real time, which is of paramount importance for most businesses.

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Operational Technology Networking - OT Networking
Longwave’s Wired and Wireless networks for industrial OT environments have strong IP protection, with a focus on network security and in line with the best practices recommended by vendors.
IT / OT Integration - Segmentation
As more and more companies need to collect production data in real time, we design industrial networks (OT) that are seamlessly integrated with IT networks, ensuring reliability, redundancy and protection of transmitted data.
More specifically, Longwave’s IT/OT networks are segmented so as to better inspect data traffic and improve network security.
Edge Computing
Longwave’s industrial networks are equipped with industrial switches with Edge Computing capabilities.
Computing resources are thus balanced between Data Centre/Cloud and the production environment, ensuring the lowest possible latency.